Counting down - COVID-19 Global Hackathon 1.0

Hey everyone,

Well, here we are - it’s the final countdown!

We know that many of you will still be heads-down adding those last touches to your projects, but we wanted to share a few quick reminders as you race towards the finish line.

Deadline reminder

Submissions close at 9am PST tomorrow/Monday March 30. As Adam flagged yesterday, we recommend submitting your current draft as a final submission now, because you can always edit it again right up until the deadline.

Picking a submission type

When getting ready to share your final project, remember to pick a ‘submission type’. As a reminder, the two options are:

  • 1. Build a production-ready solution for immediate impact
    • These will be projects that are ready to hit the ground running in communities around the world
  • 2. Ship an awesome proof-of-concept with lots of potential
    • These will be conceptual projects with bucket-loads of promise

Picking the most appropriate type here will help get your project in front of the right judges.

Adding your videos

When submitting your final project, make sure you don’t skip the field for including a video link (eg. YouTube or Vimeo). The videos don’t need to be super slick productions, just a simple recorded scroll through your solution is enough. Remember that only the first 2 minutes of your video will be viewed by our judges, so remember to keep them brief and impactful.

That’s it for our final tips! We’re awestruck by the submissions we’re seeing - thanks so much again for your hard work and determination to make a difference.

All the best with those final tweaks and prepping your videos! We look forward to sharing much more in the coming days about the awesome projects that were built & hopefully highly impactful next steps for making a dent in the major challenges of the day.
